Friday, December 20, 2019

IIT Bombay Campus - Then (1972) and Now (2019)

2019 12 20

[Please click on the photographs to see the full version.]

I have sourced the 'Then (1972)' photos as screenshots of the movie Jawani Diwani, which was, in part, shot on campus.  Since these are screen grabs, the resolution is not that good.
The 'Now (2019)' are shot by yours truly.

So, here we go:

The first location is the East-End of the Corridor:

The second location is ME Lawns, with the Main Building in the background:

The third location is ME Lawns, with the ME Building in the background:

The next three shots are from near the Lecture Theatre.

Fifth:  LT Foyer, seen from the MB side: 

Sixth:  MB Annexe as seen from near the LT:

Seventh, looking North from near the Breznev tree (yes, it is still there):

Finally there is a shot from in front of the Convo Hall towards the Main Building:

Some shamiyana-work was going on today.  Preparations for the Alumni Day, I suppose.

But the Main Building looks very the same:

 And so does its annex, where we had out drawing halls:

Finally, here is a panoramic picture from the West footpath of the Main Road.

The road is our Main Road.  Main Building is towards the left, Main Gate is towards the right.  The left building is the School of Management and IRCC, the centre one is the Computer Centre, and the right one is the Kanwal Rekhi Building.  The 'ghosts' in the picture are people, compressed by the camera software while processing the panorama.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Deserted Hostel 8. IIT Bombay Campus.

2019 12 19.

Hostel 8 is unlivable.  All students have left (and not just on vacation).  Today morning when I visited, a lonely watchman was on guard.  No one in the corridors, no one in the rooms, no one in the mess.

Hostel 8 is abandoned and will be demolished.  Another version of Hostel 8 will be built in its place.

I have never seen a hostel so deserted.  This reminded me of the poem "The Deserted Village", by Oliver Goldsmith.

I am told the same fate awaits Hostel 4 and Hostel 7.

Some More Pictures of IIT Bombay Academic Area

[Added one picture on 2019-12-20.]

(Please click on the photographs to see the full version.)

The Civil Engineering Department Building:

The Lecture Theatre and the LT Lawn:
(The LT is now called P C Saxena Auditorium, PCSA.)

The Central Walkway, from Main Building to IDC and beyond:

Remember the open space and gap in the corridor between Maths and Library?
There was a tree there, which died.
We now have a gazebo at that place, with a sculpture "Hands Reaching Out":

Here are the details.

And here is a bottom-up-view:

Coming soon:  Some photos of Hostel 8.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Some Pictures of IIT Bombay Academic Area (Nostalgia, Then-and-Now)


(Please click on the photographs to see the full version.)

While going through my old collection, I came across a 1973 photograph of the Mechanical Engineering Department Building:

I walked up the Main Building on 13-Dec-2019 to try the 'now' version of the same photograph.  Unfortunately, we now have so much of greenery, fortunately, that I could see hardly any part of the ME Building.  I tried two different angles:

I think the only common thing in the two photographs is the big palm tree.

Many of us do not realise how green the IIT Bombay campus has become, over the years!

Monday, December 2, 2019

BEST Route 602, Mumbai

Today, I rode BEST route 602 from Hiranandani Bus Station, Powai, to IIT Main Gate.

For Rs 5 I can skip a 1.5 km walk.  
However, I do not save any time - the bus takes a very circuitous route.

Today, sitting up front, I noticed two old things which still remain unchanged on BEST buses:
  • Conductor's bell (top left in the picture above).
  • The hand-operated horn (seen near the driver).
I think there are advantages in using the manual bell and horn.
  • The conductor/driver will not use the bell/horn unnecessarily - operating them requires effort!
  • In the cacophony-on-road in Mumbai, the sound made by the bell and horn is soothing.  It almost sounds like music!