Sunday, January 31, 2021

Some Stuff I Did Not Know This Time Yesterday!

2022 11 03

The weird way language affects our sense of time and space

2022 10 26

Piet is a programming language.  Each programme looks like a piece of abstract art.

2022 10 18

Understanding is not well understood.

2022 10 14

Why complain about algebra?  Perhaps the problem is the way algebra is taught and is expected to be understood and learnt.  

2022 09 30

The Second Elizabeth a Life Appreciated

2022 09 13

Was Richard Feynman a great teacher?

2022 07 13

The capacity of the seven lakes that supply water to Mumbai is 14.47 lakh million litres.  That is 1.447E+12 litres = 1.447E+9 cu.m = 1.447

2022 07 04

Rosetta Stone is like Duolingo - helps you learn languages.

Learnico is a software package created by MKCL - teaching tools creation.

2022 06 07

Fewer the better - quality stumps quantity.

How animals sense and communicate.

Dogs are people, too!

2022 06 04

What a scientist - in the 17th century.

2022 05 11

The sleeping pattern of dogs (and other pets).

2022 05 03

Feynman's 1955 address at a meeting of the NAS is available in text and video form.

2022 04 30

Excellent list.  One can spend hours studying it.

Dog breeds are not that different.

Properly working hardware and software does save lives.

2022 04 29

A very blunt letter related to energy, environment, and consumption.

2022 04 15

One needs optics, ray-tracing, computer science, etc. etc. to appreciate the genius of Leonardo da Vinci.

2022 04 03

Good fences make good neighbours.  

2022 03 30

This is nonsense.  When a reputed organisation states that some study is necessary for engineering, it is almost certainly right.  When it states that some study is unnecessary, it is definitely wrong. [After: Clarke's First Law]

2022 03 27

Classical engineering.  Metalworking - forging - heat treatment - surface treatment.

2022 03 26

There are/were actresses and there was Nutan.

2022 03 22

On the shape of letters.

2022 03 18

Long article, but well-researched.  Read through at least the first part, if you are interested in the ranking process of edu institutes.  Numbers-chasing.

2022 03 14

Re: Dogs!

How wolves changed Yellowstone

2021 12 31

Dog news.  Intelligence of canines.  

2021 12 29

This article which linked me to A Message to Garcia.  Hubbard, 1899.

I think it is standard fare in the army, etc..  At least in the Royal Navy, it is.

I think it should be recommended for IIT Profs as well.  There are a majority who will need the dose.  Even in IITB, the trend over the years is from the directive style to the detailed style.  One just has to browse through the meetings of the Senate of IITB.

I remember the good old days where the contents of a course were prescribe in no more than 150 words.  Often, within 100 words.

Compare this with the prescription of a course in a typical Indian university (or autonomous college).  At least 400 words.  Split into units, weeks, lectures.  I used to think that only robots can do justice to these.

In IITB, among colleagues and administrators, I was either popular or unpopular.  Now I realise that the reason was my directive style.  ("Do it the way you think best.  I will back you up and sign a reasonable number of papers.  But I do not want any complaints from Stores, Accounts, and Audit.")

I dug further.  It seems many things re: Rowan (the hero of the essay by Hunnard) are fiction or folklore.  Please see, e.g.,

2021 09 26

Vivien Leigh was born in Darjeeling, India.  On November 5, 1913.

2021 04 14

Dr B. R. Ambedkar was born on today's date, 130 years ago.  His original surname was Ambavadekar.  It was related to the place named Ambavade or Ambadave in Maharashtra (then Bombay Province).  A school teacher renamed him as Ambedkar.  [Sunil Khilnani, Incarnations]

2021 03 30

By the end of the 1800s, human labour made up 94% of all industrial work in the US. Today, it constitutes just 8%.

2021 02 27

Many touristy places and things really look beautiful when empty.  Thank the virus!

2021 02 11 Thu

The entire coronavirus would fit in a can of cola.

We should provide such examples to our schoolkids.

2021 01 31 Sun

There is a museum in Seattle (WA-USA) which has working computers from my student days!

Here is a nice video about it.  Here is another.